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Embedding Maps

SAiNT offers the ability to embed a customized map snippet in your website. A number of customization options help you tailor that snippet to your needs.
The following video offers an overview of the entire process, beginning with creating an account until the actual embedding on your website.
{Placeholder for YouTube tutorial)
Embed style
JavaScript embed
Applicable to
all web sites
free after registration
Map display
POIToursTopTippCommercial areasMixed areasIndustrial areasSpecial areas

Process outline

  1. Log in (see 1.)
  2. Click plus icon on the application board next to "Map Projects"
  3. Enter title
  4. Click Create project/map
  5. Apply customizations
  6. Copy source code snippet
  7. Check correct functioning
  8. Set project to "not private"

Detailed process steps

Login / Registration

  1. Log in at or register an account (Account must be manually unlocked by SAiNT team)

Create project/map view

  1. Click the plus-Icon next to "Map Projects" in the dashboard.
  2. Project view
    1. Title - Name of your map project; choose a title that helps you tell your projects apart
    2. Description - describe your map project here
    3. Projekt Key – an internal key value that identifies the project within the data streams; automatically generated
    4. Domains – domains that map project will be embedded on. This serves as an overview if you have several map projects for different domains.
    5. Button "Create Project/Map" saves the chosen settings and creates the map project.

Filter setup

  1. POIs, Tours, Actions, TopTipps, Areas, Touristic entities, Any entities – Checking the box "Entity type is available" means the respective entity type will be displayed on the front end. Touristic entities combine POIs and Tours, Any entities will show data points from all entity types. If only one entity type is to be displayed, Touristic entities & Any entities must be deselected.
    Clicking "Expand" opens the detailed view of the respective entity type.
    1. Category: entities can be narrowed down further here. It is possible to use preset values AND offer the front end user the opportunity to change them. To do this, leave the box "Can be configured by user" checked. If the box is unchecked, front end users will only see the data from the selected categories.
    2. max. distance: Limits the distance from the map center. As with the categories, the preset may or may not be changed by the front end user by using the appropriate checkbox.
    3. Name/Title: Allows limiting the data to certain hits containing the set search term. As with the categories, the preset may or may not be changed by the front end user by using the appropriate checkbox.
    4. Properties: Data to be displayed must fulfill certain parameters. As with the categories, the preset may or may not be changed by the front end user by using the appropriate checkbox.
    5. Region: limits displayed data to the selected region(s). As with the categories, the preset may or may not be changed by the front end user by using the appropriate checkbox.
    6. Results per page: Can be reduced. A value beyond 25 is not recommended as load times will increase. Additional hits can be loaded at the front end at any time.
  2. General setup
    1. Default entity type: sets which of the above entity types will be loaded by default on the map. (Users can select a different entity type after the map has loaded.)
    2. Map search point: determines the map center (can be changed more comfortably within the map setup screen).
    3. Language: Sets the interface language of the map snippet (German/English). Overrides any setting of the JavaScript code. Check the box to use the JavaScript snippet to configure the interface language.
    4. Results per page: see section a.viii
    5. Save: Saves the configuration

Map setup

  1. Initial map state
    1. Latitude/Longitude: sets the map center
    2. Map Style: sets the map style to be used
    3. Zoom: Choose the initial zoom level (from 0 to 20)
    4. Bearing: Deviation from North-South-orientation in degrees (from -180 to 180)
    5. Tilt – Set the tilt of the virtual map table (0 to 85 degrees)
    6. Button "Reset View": resets the preview to the chosen values
    7. Button "Take from Map": fills the above fields with appropriate values from the preview (so you can set the values via the preview map)
    8. Button „Limit map interaction“: activates sub-menu (see 5b)
  2. Limit map interaction
    1. Latitude min/max: sets a Northern and Southern limit for the latitude; the map center can be moved within these limits
    2. Longitude min/max: sets a Western and Eastern limit for the longitude; the map center can be moved within these limits
    3. Zoom min/max: limits the zoom levels that can be chosen
    4. Bearing min/max: limits the rotation of the map
    5. Pitch min/max: limits the pitch of the map
    6. Button "Remove all limitations": resets the values to their defaults and hides the sub-menu
  3. Map Preview: shows a preview of the map with the settings selected above (and those on the Filter setup page). Changes to the map orientation made here can be taken over by using the "Take from Map" button (see 5a vii)
  4. JavaScript snippet settings
    1. Language: sets the language of the JavaScript snippet
    2. ID of the container element: names the container element. Can be changed to match possible naming rules on the target website.

Copy the Map Snippet to a Website

  1. Copy JavaScript snippet – Copy the JavaScript code and paste it to the head section of the target website. The code snippet will load the script when the page is called.
  2. Copy HTML snippet kopieren – Copy this snippet to the specific area of the website that should display the map snippet.
  3. Set project to "not private"
    After all settings have been checked and the snippet has been tested on the target website, go to the Project details part of the menu and remove the checkmark from "Project is private". Now all members of the team can edit this map project. Before this setting is changed, the map can only be edited by the user who created it!
  4. Add the Recommendation Tool to your cookie banner
    After embedding the Recommendation Tool it must be added to the cookie banner. It should be classified as a third-party provider. The Recommendation Tool merely uses a session cookie. This is only used to ensure the functioning of the tool. The cookie is not used for statistics or tracking.
    Our recommendation is to allow the widget in the default setting. The widget cookie can be classified as necessary/functional.
  5. Add the Recommendation Tool to your privacy policy
    We suggest the following addition to your privacy policy:
    Integration of the SAiNT widget
    Our website uses a widget from the SAiNT open data platform to provide interactive content and functions. When the widget is loaded, content is loaded and displayed directly from
    A statistical, non-personalised analysis of the use of the widgetis carried out exclusively on the SAiNT servers. No personal data is transmitted to SAiNT.
    The widget sets technically necessary session cookies and uses session storage to temporarily store user settings. No further storage or processing of personal data takes place.
    The widget contains map material from Mapbox. The provider Mapbox processes data within the framework of an order processing contract with SAiNT in compliance with the EU standard contractual clauses (SCCs).
    If the user actively agrees to access their location via the browser, the location is used for personalised search results and travel recommendations. The location request is made directly via the browser and can be refused or revoked at any time.
    The current weather at the location can also be taken into account for the calculation of location-based recommendations. No personal data is transmitted to the weather service provider, as all requests are sent via a proxy server.
    Further information on SAiNT's data protection provisions can be found at
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